Wednesday, September 13, 2006


life is sucky.

Probably not really but ...

we have a car parked on a back lot.1962 Ford Ranchwagon. My folks bought it brand new. I got it when I got my drivers liscense Put some Crager mags on it that came off a car my brother had. I drove it for years. The gave it back to my mom. She had a wreck in it and my dad fixed it.. then eventually they put it on blocks in the back lot.

Anyway. someone went in over the last few days and stole the mags off of it.

Our antique crager mags that have been in the family for over 40 years. BASTARDS.

The cop is coming this after noon and the sherrif thinks he knows where they are. But it will probably be too late.

But I've been bummed out way before that.

I am numb. Nothing really matters. Nothing ...


Yorkshire Pudding said...

You have lost me madam, "crager mags"? What the hell are they? Whatever they might be please accept my sympathy about this criminal intrusion into your life. A couple of years ago I remember stalking the streets looking for the little bastards who had three times smashed our car to steal the radio/CD player. Is a "crager mag" a magazine about a prehistoric creature called a crager - something like a raptor?

By George said...

they are wheels. These were antiques and like I said members of the family. I guess I should have done something years ago. Kevin thought he might re build the old car... but it would be an expensive proposition.

That is a good idea.. write us a story about a crager...eating up thieves.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Creativity can't be turned on like a tap!

...By George was in the unlit kitchen. Out in the yard, Nasty Dubya the infamous local crook was inspecting the family's antique car. By George whispered to her pet Crager, "Go get him boy!" She released the blood-pulsing prehistoric hound and he bounded straight through the screen door. In moments his bloody jaws were clamped round Dubya's unfortunate neck. Through the rest of that misty night, the half-starved Crager chomped on his Texan meal. Finally,in the pale early morning light he was finished - but still hungry. He looked up to see By George emerging from the house in her new Nike jogging gear. The Crager licked his scaly lips...

Anonymous said...

Im sorry that someone stole those mags. You still sound down. 6 months ago you sounded down then too. If there is anything that I can do to help please let me know!

By George said...

Well for me being down is normal.

And you are anonymous so .. I dont' know who you are but thank you so much for offering.