Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Having the DT's
Well Tuesday is the regular day for Blizzard to update and do maintenence on the World of Warcraft servers. There are about 100 servers. with close to ten thousand people in each server. There may be more than 100 I don't really know that's just an estimate.
My particular server is Alexstrasza. I play an orc shaman. I am now at the highest level possible in the game as it stands. However in Novemeber they are coming out with the expansion and players will be able to go up to 70 (I'm 60).

I'm not done though because there are 6 more tiers I can go up as a 60th level.

I no longer have that mace. I liked that mace.
Today I couldn't get on the game at all. I couldn't download the patch. I tried several different free download spots as well as the Blizzard one, but theirs never works for me. I was up to 95 % of the download after it loading an hour and my firefox froze up and now I can't get on the site or on the Blizzard site.
I am bummed.

This is a screenshot of some of the people in the guild I used to be in and some other people at Molten Core one of the main - high level dungeons you have to do.

Looks pretty fun.. Oh well maybe some day.
We started a new guild because the old one fell apart. I am the Game Master.. of the new guild.. Legion... We only have about 6--60th level players now. For some of the big dungeons you need 40 + players. That doesn't mean we can't go with other people but you don't always know what you are getting with pick up groups.. PUGS we call them. So we have to be patient and wait for our lower level players to level up!

So I am in withdrawal-
it's ok. I'm gonna go watch Pulp Fiction.

1 comment:

Yorkshire Pudding said...

You're 60? You told me you were 53!