Friday, October 06, 2006

HUM... stuff

Lately.. what's been going on in my life.
Well of course the game. Though I am trying to NOT play until later in the day. Several new guildies so I'm happy about that.

Went to exercise three times last week and twice already this week. I hope to go later today.

Went to Meridian to pick up the food for Meals on Wheels. I don't help out a lot but if they specifically call and ask then I do.
My folks have been going for years, sometimes I go just to visit with the old folks. One summer I delivered meals.
Then me and my mom went to the grocery store afterwards. 79 dollars worth after spending that much just a couple of days ago
I made a cake for the freezer for Kevin's homecoming. Also made some ravoli for the freezer. Spinach and ricotta filled with my homemade pasta. The night I made the ravoli I also made home made chicken noodle soup. I posted the recipe on my cooking board if anyone is interested -- Link at the right.
Painted a picture. It's a Celtic mandala on a background of trees.

Went to Waco day before yesterday to take Barney for a shot and went to hobbylobby while I was there. I got some paint, process yellow, which I've never used before. I normally buy cad yellow light. Some dioxinine purple and some gel medium.
I am probably out of other colors but I couldn't think of course.
Also went to Drug Emporium to get some shampoo for silver hair, since now I've finally got all the color out of my hair.. it's naturally blond gray now.
I quite like it.

I'm re-naming Barney the Barn Cat to Barney the Blob. Cause that's all he does is be a blob. I brought him in the Living room to see if he would get comfortable in here and he went straight back to the bed room and under the bench at the foot of the bed.
I guess that's his home. He doesn't seem to want to live anywhere else.
Sox on the other hand is all over the place. But he grew up in this house. Lucy had her monthly meal of 4 mice and is quite content.

Kev is working now on base. I'm glad. I just wish they hadnt' waiting until it's time for him to come home before giving him something to do.
They have him on a diet and exercise plan and getting his teeth done before they will discharge him and let him come home.

Roy is going to go to the CIA next year ( Culinary Institute of America) but this year his old boss from the casino that got blown away, has offered him a job at a country club. Carrie will still be working at the restaurant that she and Roy both work at now.

Unity was put into a public school and kept getting in trouble. (1st year) so they had a partent teacher conference.. and instead of speaking with the parents ( Eric and step mom) privately they had the room full of parents. Basically they told the parents that kids at that age understood three things. Yes NO and shut up.

Eric called the arch diosces of Mobile and told them the story ... they said to have Unity Uniformed and in school Monday morning and don't worry about the tuition.

She had gone to Catholic school for the year before ... after the hurricane they let her go to the one in Mobile for free as a re location program for the hurricane victims. I don't guess they felt as if they could afford it this year, but ...

The chickens are good. Laying about a dozen eggs a week. And that's without 5 of the hens not working at it. Blackie is the wild hen she doesn't lay anymore after something tore her but up last year getting her clutch of eggs she was sitting on. Then I have 4 young ones that don't lay yet. The other 5 don't lay every day. I still have the roosters seperated until I can find homes for two of them. They reek too much havock on the hens with the three of them. Their butts were bald, but finally the feathers are growing back and they are starting to look pretty again.
1 barred rock. 1 production red, 2 buff orpingtons, 1 aracauna/buff cross, 2 aracaunas, 2 japaniese silkies and the wild one. The roosters are all crosses of aracauna and what ever. lol

Chickens are a symbol of hope to me. For when they see you walk toward the pen they kick up dust in hopes that you are bringing them grub. They run with glee to the fence cackling and looking at you with hope in their eyes.

1 comment:

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Thanks for this insight into everyday American life. I found it quite fascinating. With regard to the roosters wreaking havoc on the hens, personally I think the hens should be grateful and stop complaining. A rooster's gotta do what a rooster's gotta do. By the way thanks for the poem about teaching fish - much appreciated.