Monday, January 02, 2006

World of Warcraft..

So last year my husband buys "me" World of Warcraft. For years I have played Warcraft, but more Starcraft. I love Starcraft.

He comes in with the 50 dollar game and then you have to pay a subscription fee!! to play it. "Ok" I grumbled.

I was immediatly hooked on it. But of course not as badly as he was. But he has been known to not even dress, eat, go to the bathroom whilst playing a game.
We've had the game for about 8 months now and I finally got up the nerve to go to a battleground the other day.

See a battleground is different from normal play. In fact there are several ways you can play.
You can play ...player vs computer, which is what I normally do.
Player vs computer and other players..
Or battleground. Which you can do either way that you play.

That is the simple way of explaining it.

You get in a queue to go to the battleground where once you get there you play capture the flag.

Now the way WOW (that's how those of us who play refer to the game.... or simply "the game") is set up. There are two factions. The Alliance, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and night elves. and the Horde, trolls, orcs, undead or taurens.
Both the Horde and the Alliance are against this one group...the burning legion, but you also fight each other.
PVP people will raid the other factions encampments or cities and the Computer people and PVP's will try and stop them
Or you can simply play against the computer which as I said is what I do.

HOWEVER. The battle ground is another story. You are playing PVP's of the other faction in this capture the flag scenerio. It is so much fun.
You die. but you come back quickly and got right back to the fun.
Real people don't just stand there in one place like the computer players. They jump around, get behind you. Wow... WOW is fun.
My favorite characters are:
Buffalojane, a nightelf hunter. (Violet)raptor for a hunting pet, and she is a 32 level
Iddybiddy, a gnome warlock with a succubus pet 25 level.
Lizziehb, a dwarf warrior 20 lvl
Veggieburger, a tauren (cow) hunter with Thomas wolf as pet 15 level
And my newest (last night) Peabrain, Orc Shaman lvl 4
Each different class has advantages and disadvantages. I like hunters because of the pets and shooting either with a gun or bow.
However druids, shaman, warlock can cast spells
Rogues can throw knives or hatchest.
Ok.. any questions.?..
So this is what I am wasting my time on right now.
The house is in ruins, the clothes pile up, no crafts getting done.. I can't sell them anyway. Two months theyVe been down at the craft mall and not a thing has sold. 48 dollars a month. I am beginning to get a complex about my stuff.
Seriously depressed about it.
I mean I put my stuff in. Ever hopeful.. and then nothing sells .... ever. My cousin buying the purses was a mercy buy.
I dunno. I"m going to go play now and forget my troubles.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

You've lost me my dear! As they used to say wayback in the sixties - "Whatever turns you on!" Hope 2006 has started well for you.

... said...

game on george! .. *big grin*

... said...
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... said...

george.. where art thou..?
(echo, echo, echo)

*indi peers into the world wide web*

... where's my georgie girl..?