Sunday, January 22, 2006

Home again

I went to visit my cousin the Luthier/nurse this weekend. His wife is also a nurse.
They are semi-retired and only work on the weekends in an Austin emergency room.
A very un-enviable task to say the least.

They have a cool house. Old, yet new and in some cases kitchey. For instance, Kent's room where he keeps his guitars is the Roy Rogers room with much RR memorablia and other western stuff, but also a huge propeller.
Then the library with a wall of books on one side and a wall of whatnots and keepsakes on the other. The female dog, Mist, generally sleeps in there so they keep a quilt over the love seat. The "family" room is the Hemingway-Kenya room with African prints on the sofa etc. There are also flamingos in little corners and surprizing places. Kent has built most of the furniture.

I wish I had a house.

Being an undiagnosed ADD person. I tend to get tons of stuff strewn all round the house in the act of re organizing and straightening. My house is a disaster area. Truely. I want a house, with a kitchen, a tub (I'm so sick of nothing but showers),
*heavy sigh*

I got two halves of a Jack Daniels barrel. They are cut longwise rather than round the middle. Gonna plant some flowers in them. We can't plant here because this ground is solid rock.
I am going to dig up the crepe myrtle and plan in planters.. three years old an 0 growth.

well tomorrow... Kevin's surgery... maybe

1 comment:

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Yo! You blogged again! I thought you'd forgotten how to do it. The house you visited sounds a bit crazy but then you are all Yanks! Good luck with the Jack Daniels planters - the lucky plants will be well-nourished thanks to JD. Surgery? Poor old Kevin. Take care and thanks for dropping by my blog from time to time.