Sunday, December 25, 2005

Words of a soldier.

This is an excerpt from my husband's last letter to me:

what I am doing here is very important. And historic. I am right
here, right now while history is being made. These people are doing what
our nation did over 200 years ago - taking the first few steps in
democracy and freedom. This nation has a very long road ahead of it and
there are those who want to see its struggle end badly, they long to have
things go back to the way it was. Hell, we even have people back home
that want things to end badly here in order to fullfill their own

I don't want to go home before the job I am here to do is completed. I
don't want our boys to go home prior to our nations job of helping the
birth of this new nation is done.

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall
pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend,
oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty." -
JFK during his inaugural address

My president made that promise to the world not as a brag or a threat
but as a promise of aide and comfort. I do not want to make a liar of
him whether he is still alive or not.

Love and miss ya,



... said...

george.. wonderful words from a wonderful man.. you are indeed fortunate to have such a man by your side.

... lots of love and light to you and your man.


ps.. i think he wants you to send him some more cookies woman! LoL!

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Your man is a true patriot. Here's hoping he comes home safely to be with you next Christmas. Best wishes for what's left of this Christmas period and let's hope 2006 is a good year for everybody.

Anonymous said...

G- isn't it great that we married such wonderful men? Hard to believe that a family can produce 2 out of 4 brothers with the same feelings. Ken and I wish Kev was back home with you, but we can also understand his thinking. Love you, sis!

By George said...

my husband was born in 1960, I don't remember what year that JFK was elected and sworn in..

Yes Indi! He does want cookies, but I am a sorry wife. We ate most of the cookies I made for him. I'd better get to cooking!!!

Thank you Pudding man!

Yes Larisa,we have good men. What happened to those other two?