Thursday, January 26, 2006

Kevin's Surgery

Has been postponed until he gets home.
Thanks the gods.
He has three herniated discs in his neck. Plus a nerve that is not in the right place in his left elbow.
He was in good spirits this morning when he called. Relieved that he doesn't have to go to Germany for surgery.
I already had people working on getting me there if need be. We still don't know where he will have surgery only that the Navy will do it. He says he didn't have the problem when he went over there, so it's on the Navy's tab.

I may be heading for California in a month or so when he gets back.

Meanwhile.. Mr Sox needs his alergy shot. His mouth and under his tail are all broken out again.

It was so funny.I have the phone set on vibrate(hard) so I can hear/feel it when it rings.. So Sox was sleeping on my chest, then he jumped up and headed toward the phone, before it began to ring.. that's how I knew it was going to ring.. Funny. It's a new phone for me. So I'm not through playing with all the bells and whistles.. only it doesn't have a flashlight like my other one had.. that I had re programed for a friend of my mom and myself, she is a spinster, never been married, never been.... well, anyway, she is diabetic and has a heart condition, and lives on a very limited income, so we gave her the phone and pay the monthly fee. It's not much and this way she can feel better and safer when she is in her 18 yr old car alone.

The Chicks are due this week. So far this morning nothing. I hope that at least some of the eggs hatch.

Buffy is so far a very devoted egg sitter.


... said...

*hugz* for you and kev, george.

you two are in my thoughts.. :)

Yorkshire Pudding said...

BY GEORGE - I'm tagging you honey! See my blog for subheadings and then the idea is that you fill in your own answers in your own blog! It's crazy FUNNNNNNNN!