Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas without Kevin

I knew that he wouldn't be here. But tonight at the Comminity Center meeting we had a guest singer. She was singing a song about loved ones being gone at Christmas.. Damned If I didn't already forget which one it was. She had already said that her youngest son was in Japan and then while she was singing she looked at me and said that the song was for me too and my hubby. Until that moment, I don't think I really realized that he wouldn't be here. For the first time in 7 years we won't be together for Christmas. For the first time in 6 years we won't eat a small slice of our wedding cake that is wrapped securely in the freezer.
He says he might go back to the sand box when he comes home...He'll stay for a little while and then go back for another tour.
I know I don't want him to, but on the other hand, I know that he has to do what he thinks is right. He is patriotic, honorable and loyal. He needs the camradrie of the men he is in uniform with.
It scares me. Thinking of another year without him. But if this is what he needs I stand with him.
By the way.. the glasses are Navy Issue...and yes he is talking to me.:)


... said...

*hugz* george.. that's a NICE piccie of your man...

and holy smokes!! .. you eat SEVEN-year-old cake..? is that cake still good .. YiKeS!!

.. as always, lots of love and light to you girl.

By George said...

We are talking SLIVER... it's symbolic!

Yorkshire Pudding said...

I hope he stays safe though to be truthful Iraq seems such a mess to me.In World War II the enemy and the intention was clear but in Iraq, it's just a tangled mess - so many wasted lives and what for? Who knows?

By George said...

Well I'm not happy about any of us being over there, but if you ask most of the soldiers/sailors who have been there or are there, they mostly say there is a need.

What the Seabees are doing is what they have always done. Built.
Homes, schools, what ever a country needs to get back on their feet.
My dad and brother were both in Viet Nam.

IMHO all wars are bupkiss. Needless.
But it seems to be the way of it all. For some reason mankind has always fought. I wish it wasn't so.