Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Holidays are over.. Now what?

Back to life as usual? Yea I reckon. The kids are starting to nursing school this week. I am very excited for them although I did love the chef thing. Roy says just because he isn't working in a restaurant anymore doesn't mean he isn't a chef. That is true. Cooking is an in your blood thing. You either like it or you don't. I love it.

Lot of stuff I make doesn't turn out as I'd hoped, but then some of it is very good. I think I need to stop experimenting.. and when something is good.. leave it alone.
this is a cooking board that I made many years ago.. mostly I use it for a recipe repository, not many people go there but I keep hoping. Cooking Obsession

I got a hat finished that I'd been knitting on, read a book, Insomnia buy Steven King. I'd read it before but that was back when I read so fast that I didn't remember any of it after I'd read it. I worked hard a reading slower for a change.

The people who mail stuff in Whitney lost my mom's present to Unity. And she still has not called them.. hang on.. be right back. Just called them and USPS... almost no way to track it.. Dammit why didn't I send it UPS????

KEVIN made E6.. Petty Officer First Class. He is quite full of himself about that. 10 years in the regular Navy and never got above E4. He took the test several times, and finally passed it. But someone went in and switched names on the tests or something, ( that someone confessed to Kevin after it was too late to do anything about it or so Kevin says.. but he has never been one to make a lot of waves. ) So he got kicked out for High year Tenure. After 13 years, when we moved here, he found a Navy Recruiter and on a lark asked him about getting into the reserves.. The guy told him as long as he could get 20 years before he turned 55 it was a deal, he also told him that he would get a signing bonus and go in at his previous rate. HE lied on both counts. Kevin had to go in to the Navy Seabees at a E3 and make all these rates up. My dad was a Navy recruiter for years.. But I know my dad and he didn't lie to people. I hate liars. I hate dis honorable people. Daddy was also a Seabee as was my brother.

Marc, my brother was lots of stuff. ha ha.. He was in the Navy and decided he'd rather be a Seabee, so my dad pulled some strings and got him in the Seabees. He did his time there and then got out. After going to Vietnam three times.. at least one of those times with my dad. Then he went into the Army, learned to fly helicopters. and became a Warrant Officer 2. Then he got out again.. and went into the army reserves. My dad retired at E8 Senior Chief. He was also in the Navy during WWII aboard the USS Franklin aircraft Carrier. USS Franklin the Ship That Wouldn't Die

After the war he got out of the Navy and met and married my mom. Then when I was about 1 or 2 he went back into the military ...the Seabees this time. He was a carpenter by trade so.. it was a natural progression. His Dad and older brother were also carpenters. One was a tailor at one time, the became a "collector" of what ever.. Made his money ... I don't really know how. Another one put up power lines, another one was the Mayor of Miles. One was killed either right before or right after the War.. John.. He went to college and even taught at Angelo for a while. One of this brothers worked at the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art. And then he had two sisters.. One was a nurse and the other ran/owned a gas station.
Daddy is the only one left.

WOW trip down memory lane.

Most of my cousins are fairly well off. Not rich but not hurting. Some of them are poor like me. One is rich.

Well I'm running dry for now.. ttyl

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