Thursday, December 13, 2007

Letter to my self at Thirteen

I don't understand things sometimes at this point in my life. I don't concentrate very well on the words and I get confused, but as I read it, Pudding man's tag. I am supposed to write a letter to myself at thirteen.

Dear ByGeorge,

I am you, my love, many years down the road. Plumper, grey, and still insecure and afraid. I am married, for the second time around, to a really great guy. He has a temper, and tends to live in his very focused little world. But he loves me with all his heart and comforts me and loves many of the same things that I do.

I have two kids. Older now than you are then. For the most part I think they love me. Although the youngest, a son, is not too tolerant of his mom. The daughter and I have formed a bond, shaky sometimes but good mostly. I have a grand daughter too. Born on our birthday. Though I don't get to see her often and well we won't give it all away now, or you won't have any thing to look forward to.

One of the things I would tell you is that you should have kissed that boy. If you had gotten that out of the way then you might have had an easier time with boys further in your mid teens. And you should keep going to the psychologists that the school sent you to. Talked to them, don't be so hard headed.

Enjoy San Francisco because where you are going is the pit of hell and you will be there for 30 years. Unless you go on to college like I didn't and get out of there. But of course if you do that then you wouldn't have your kids, although probably would have equally as wonderful ones.

Go to college before you are 38. Go to work.
I'm tired now. My brain is beginning to get fuzzed. Don't let stress get to you or you will become like me. Smell those beautiful roses and drink in everyday.There should be more. Don't gain weight when you are pregnant. Don't gain weight when you are on chemo, because you are going to have high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Exercise. Have more babies.
Leave Donnie immediately after Roy is born.

OH and when you move to Mississippi, make Momma find you and art teacher.

1 comment:

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Smell those beautiful roses and drink in everyday.... That's good advice for anyone. I am so pleased that I set you this homework Georgie-Girl - for a little while it has helped you to stop in your tracks and reflect on life's journey in a different way.

By the way, the dentist's root canal work seems to have done the trick! I am now pain free! Shirley's "H.S.P." is behind her now. She is back at work and feeling more herself each day but I worry because something like this leaves possible issues for the future. Thanks for asking.