Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rough week last week.

I had several icky things happen to me last week.. all dealing with my abilities, tastes and talents. I'm sort of over them, but I just don't understand people who think it's their right to be rude.
We are getting ready for our Thanksgiving here in the States. I don't happen to believe in all the pilgrim thanksgiving feast.. I don't even know if there truly was one. I am sure they all ate together but ... I'm cooking the turkey of course and our friend who is coming for dinner is bringing some steaks.. I know that isn't usually the turkey day meal but her cousin stocks her up on them when he visits.. he has tons of money and she doesn't. So she likes to have us cook them if she can come over to eat. So she is coming this year for the day. Plus I'm roasting the potatoes, carrots and leeks in the turkey pan. I've got the vegetables done for the dressing ( we don't stuff the bird) a stuffing for some celery, and we will have candied sweet potatoes. And fresh green beans. I am going to make a lemon meringue pie and we already have a pecan pie. I do love sweet potato pie however. I might make on of those later.

For dinner tonight I made some potato/leek soup.. I know if it was cold it would be VICHYSSOISE but I just don't really like cold soups. Maybe the tomato one... but not potato.
It was delicious. I didn't puree the vegetables.. I like chunks sometimes.
I put in Leeks, potatoes, little nutmeg, chicken broth, parsley, and butter/oil blend. Then added the milk and half and half. I must say .. again it was yummy!!

This is Julia's recipe and mine was very close.. mmmmmmmm

If you are not puréeing the soup, cut the vegetables rather neatly.

* 4 cups sliced leeks, white part only
* 4 cups diced potatoes, old or baking potatoes recommended
* 6 to 7 cups water
* 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons salt or to taste
* 1/2 cup or more sour cream, heavy cream, or crème fraîche, optional
* 1 Tablespoon fresh chives or parsley, minced

I'm pissed off at quite a few people. Don't know if it's because of my mental state right now or if I am rightly pissed off.
I don't care. I have not gotten any painting done or pottery. But I have been knitting. You can see some of that http://dhstudio.blogspot.com/ here.

Well my lovelies I watched the most horrible movie I've ever seen.. Really I watch these movies on Sci Fi and they are usually BAD. But this one was on Chiller.
"Night Train to Venice" I love Malcom McDowell and Hugh Grant is likable but his move stunk to high heaven. It made no sense what so ever.
The editing sucked the Directing sucked. The photography sucked. What the hell were these people thinking. OMG I just read who the female lead was... Tahnee Welch.. so that probably tells you how it got made. I mean she is beautiful, passable acting, but OH well enough. So believe me when I tell you that I can sit through a bad movie.. but this one nearly got the best of me. the sucky movie

The local yokels here decided to repair the road surface over the dam. At holiday time. So that people coming to the lake for holiday, has to suffer through one lane traffic going one way at a time while on vacation. CRAZY!


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Hi! It's me. I never was in America for Thanksgiving but I always get the impression that it is a big deal. Do "Native" Americans celebrate it too? "Hey Grey Lion, let's celebrate the coming of the white man with his diseases and guns and his passion for power...give thanks for the loss of our prairies, our buffalo, our sense of freedom, our oneness with the Earth." Somehow I doubt they celebrate even though all human beings have much to be thankful for - such as the very gift of life itself.

By George said...

Actually I think they do. One of my guild members on the game that I play, is full blood Native American. She celebrated. I think for many of us it isn't so much a celebration of coming to America, but thanking the powers that be... God, gods, Great Spirit, that we are thankful for our freedom, our great country, the very gift of life itself.
See I think most of us know that the pilgrim/indian thing is a nursery rhyme. just as most of us know Columbus was a disaster to the Native Americans. My husband and many of my online friends and family members are NA. And Native Americans are also very loyal to their country. Proud Americans the majority. Their sons and fathers have sacrificed their own to keep our country free too. The fought in our Civil war, our Revolutionary war, and every war since.

Mainly the big deal is what I said earlier, and for myself I don't believe most people celebrate christmas as "really"
about jesus.. It's just a big excuse to spend money and decorate.
Mardi Gras is a catholic celebration of getting the partying out of your system before lent.. they get drunk screw around, piss on the streets and more. show their tits all in the name of god. whatever.
soap box put up now.

I just really don't like religious hypocrisy
just in a shitty mood thanks to my mom.. but I love ya Pudding man..