Thursday, November 15, 2007

I didn't

There is a big stinky poop in the road up ahead. I can either step in it or walk around it. What will I do?

by the way... I posted some stuff I'm working on... on my Dragonheart blog if anyone is interested.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Hey Georgie Girl - are you losing the plot or what? I am confused by these tiny blog entries. I don't know what is going on or what you mean? What is this about poop in the road? Is it a metaphor or is it Jack Daniels talking?

By George said...

I'm losing the plot.. if I ever had it. No not the Jack Daniels If only it was. Well the poop in the road is a metaphor.. but I don't know for what.

No really it's about all I can muster up right now.

I really am sorry about Shirley. I hope the Doc's can fix her up really soon.