Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Rainy Spring in Texas. OH it's a Rainy Spring in Texas!


This is the road that goes in to the Lofer's Bend (I think that's the name) Park here on Swollen Lake Whitney. You can see Kevin (waves)and you can see where the water had been. It's gone down about a foot or more. My mother who has lived here for over 30 years has never seen the water that high before. Where that line of debris is at Kevin's feet is the highest point. If you look all the way to the tree at the end of the road, that's where the actual boat slip is,the park benches and restrooms. Everything is completely under water except the restrooms. And the dock: is floating on it's chains. I took this one from on top of the dam in a moving car so... The lake crested at 556 ft which is 24 feet above normal.

The guy down the road from our house, lives on the other side of a low water crossing. He has his car on this side and uses a row boat to get from his house to his car. Luckily his grandchildren were here so they've been having fun rowing the boat.

That is all on the East Side of the lake

On the West side:

The picnik table is only one of two that were above the water. I had taken a picture of the lamp post, but I guess I deleted it. They are about 6 ft high and only about 6 inches was above the water.
The other picture of the picnik table is where you can see how high the water was on this side of the lake.
The other two are just pictures of trees all under water except for their tops. There are camping spots and picnik areas all around there. The lake is closed, this part of it anyway. I saw people jet skiing out there yesterday.

This is a snap of the damndam and of the foot marker.

But one of the benefits of all the rain is.. Green grass.. at least unitl the "real" summer sets in and this beautiful rainbow.

1 comment:

Yorkshire Pudding said...

So it's not just Yorkshire in the UK that has been getting this extreme weather!
A story about Yorkshire and Texas:-

TEXAN - "Hey Texas is so big that we got trains that take three days to get from one side of the state to the other!"
YORKSHIREMAN - "Aye - we've got slow trains in Yorkshire too!"