Monday, July 16, 2007

My Cans.


Can you blow a bubble?:the ones in the bathtub?. no cause I only have a shower.

Can you dance?: Well I used to. I took dance for 6 years. But now when I dance.. it's like the ripple effect of the butterfly wings. You've heard of Hurricanes?

Can you do a cart wheel?: Again.. butterfly effect and earthquakes.We don't want to try it!

Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?: Now why would I want to do that?

Can you touch your toes?: Toes yech!

Can you whistle?: Yep.

Can you wiggle your ears?: Vigorously.

Can you wiggle your nose? Yes and I can flare my nostrils too.


Did you ever get into a fist fight in school?: Yep

Did you ever run away from home?: To the end of the street.

Did you ever want to be a doctor?: NOPE

Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: Maybe.. Ballerina


Do you believe in God?: Not in the traditional sense.

Do you know how to swim?: I do.

Do you like roller coasters?: NO! NO! NO. Hell I don't even like to sit down fast.

Do you own a bike?: No but I want one.

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: NO!


Does hair loss run in your family at all?: Um yes and no.
Does your car get good gas mileage?: Na.

Does your family have family picnics?:
My daughter's is so much better than ours I'm just going to leave hers here.
"Oh, man. No. Our family should have shifts...even during holidays...where people aren't allowed to over-lap stays. Dad and Esther come out early...when there's no one else there. Then Aunt Betty/Uncle Cornel and Uncle David and Grandma Ollie/Papaw Joe. Papaw Joe goes home...ten seconds later. All we've discussed is the weather. This starts a debate about the Bible and why it's against God's law to own a dog. Then Dad and Esther leave and offer Grandma a ride home. She takes it...and a total of fourteen minutes has passed. Okay, from around the corner where they've been waiting for this with a periscope, Kelly, Joseph, Jesse, Nikki, and Roy arrive. Grandma comes back for something...a dish she'd brought from home, but forgot to bring in. We eat it, whatever it is, because it's good. Cornel and Aunt Betty leave. The cousins and their significant others go somewhere secluded to...presumably burn some sort of spice. Me and Roy watch Arrested Developement or Sifl and Olly. Unity goes to bed...and that was Christmas."
Now Mine:
On the other hand, we have family reunion's at the park in Miles in West Texas. It's 112 degrees in the shade. Dirty and no bathrooms except port a johns.
Two cousins do all the meat cooking while the rest bring sides, deserts etc. Everyone gets sunburned and none of the cousins mingle with everyone else, they sit with their families. What's the point.


Have you ever been on a plane? Several times.

Have you ever asked someone out?: No ...

Have you ever been asked out by someone? Yes.

Have you ever been to the ocean?: Pacific California coast, Okinawa coast
Atlantic, No but the Gulf of Mexico both in Mississippi and Florida.. Florida is much prettier.

Have you ever gone fishing?: Yes I used to take my children fishing at the harbor in Long Beach. Carrie was 12 or so, Roy was 9 or so

Have you ever painted your nails?: About a thousand times this year.


How did you find out about myspace?: Don't remember.

how many people are on your friend's list?: 14.

How many of them have you met in person?: 6 in person. And 1 on the phone.
How many times has your profile been visited?: I have no idea.. This page has been visited over 1000 times.

How tall are you?: 5'10"

How much money do you have on you right now?: None.. I'm nekkid.


Last person you hung out with?: Kevin...Momma.

Last thing you said out loud?: "Dammit I meant to drink the coffee with the muffin."

Last thing someone said to you?: "What do you want in it.. Mayonnaise?" He was referring to my coffee.


What are you listening to?: The cat playing with his round and round thing.

What is the weather outside?: HOT.

What radio station do you listen to?: The classical station and the lite rock station.

What was the last restaurant you ate at?: The Shell Station Chinese food place....

What was the last thing you bought?: Gel medium and modeling paste.

What was the last thing you had to drink?: Coffee.

what was the last t.v. show you watched?: Ice Road Truckers

What's up with your myspace picture? Me on a 4 wheeler.. nuff said.


Who is your newest friend you added to myspace?: M R Sellars Scary Writer Dude

Who was the last person you IM'd?: Carrie

talked to on the phone?: Momma *roll eyes*

Who is your current crush?: Kevin

Who was the last person you took pictures with?:Kevin

Who is in your default picture?: See Above.. PAY ATTENTION

Who was the last person to leave you a comment?:Carrie

Who was the last person you said i love you to?: Kevin.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Good heavens! It sounds as if the CIA have been vetting you to be an agent in the worldwide fight against the evil Al Queida - such is the detail of this questioning.

By George said...

hey I just copied it off my daughters blog.. I don't usually, but..

I'm hungry!

Janet&Carl said...

hey george
love the flood pictures
laughed at some of the quiz answers