Monday, March 19, 2007


My mom, 81 in May, has always stumbled a lot.. Even as a young woman or middle aged woman. Personally I think its because she has never picked her feet up as high as she should. She is slightly pigeoned toed, I don't know if that has any thing to do with it. Add to that the fact that she is constantly in a hurry. She has tried to slow down since she broke her right thigh bone at the hip, 4 and a half years ago.. then about one and a half years ago she fell and crushed some vertebrae in her back wouldn't go to the Dr for two weeks and finally messed up her stomach from taking pain killers. She began to bleed internally and had to be hospitalized for two weeks. There have been other falls. One fall in Kansas for my niece's wedding knocked her out cold. And no they haven't found anything physically to account for these falls.
Friday she had been shopping and tending to other things, I'd been outside helping our friend/handyman to refinish my dining room table that we are going to start using in Momma's part of the house because we are going to try and sell her suite. She stumbled again trying to hurry and catch me before I ran up the stairs to my house.
She broke her left hip this time.. Kevin and I followed the ambulance from our little community hospital to Waco to the big hospital where they did surgery right then and there and it only took about an hour and 20 min. She is doing fabulously and has been in good spirits until today. They are moving her back to our community hospital's rehabilitation center and they kept putting it off and off, so she is getting pretty disheartened.
My poor Mom.. she has had so much pain this last couple of years. I am just so sorry for her.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

It's good that she has got you and Kevin there to look out for her. It sounds like she is pretty resilient and keeps bouncing back. I guess old age comes to all of us. My old mum is in an old folks home and is becoming almost totally immobile. It's like she has given up trying though she herself had a broken hip and has also suffered two or three minor strokes. If only old age was about sitting in a rocking chair and looking out to a golden sunset but it never is. Take care cyberchum!

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Eight to go to the thousand hits! It has taken a while but we are almost there. Condolences on the horror of Virginia Tech.. What could you say? I hope those poor people all rest in peace though they died in vain for a crazy man's evil madness.

By George said...

What can you say, the horror and madness is unspeakable, I just wonder why that one teacher didn't barricade the door like the other one did? Doesn't make sense to me.

I haven't forgotten my blog, just busy and tired.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Damn and double-damn! I wanted to be your one thousandth visitor in order to win a free trip to Waco, Texas - all expenses paid. I will just have to try harder in order to be your two thousandth visitor! What is the prize this time by the way?

By George said...

Well the winner, a Ms Butch Jenkens, won. Took her to the lake to watch the seagulls eat the dead fish that died from the golden algae that has taken over the lake. From there we cooked a couple of hamburgers on the black top of the highway. It was kind of tricky because we had to scoop up the burgers every time a car came by. We left them there when the motorcyclists rode by, it was quite fun watching the skid out of control to keep from running over the burgers and onions.
But it had to end, Butch was too enamored of my chickens and tried to abscond with one of them. I had to tackle her and wrestle my hen back. Butch left in tears.
Other than that a good time was had by all.