Monday, March 05, 2007

Living better thurough chemistry

And now for something Completely Different!!:::

A little story my cat wrote.
Techus Tuschedo Sox.

Dubble OH Seben. Lisnezed tew Kiul.

De mostes hansum kiddie strollz intew de nyteclub seekretly, quikly lukin roun de rum. Hiz memory an powerz ob obzerbation are sew keen dat he onliest gots tew dew id won tyme. As he crozzez de rum pushin hiz wey fru de crouwd ob frantikly dancin aluf kiddies an glamour dawgz, he smylez, bud eyez ebberyone kaushusly. "Martuuny, pleeze, shaken nawt stirret", he sez tew de bardtendur.

Just den beautiful Ms Pazzy Gaylore sydlez up berry cloze tew him an introduzez hurselv.

De dashink younk kat luked hur ub won syde an down de odder, "Bond, Sox Bond, at yer survize".

Pazzy studiez diz kat standink befour hur. Lonk, dark an hansum. Dresset in a Dolce & Catbana tuschedo, ret rose on hiz labbel. His nayles were purfectly maanucouret and wore a simble signed rink on his paw. Luky fur him de deziner ob hiz suuiet noez how tew fid de suuiet perfectly tew kamulfloge de gun tuket unner hiz arm.

"Buy me a drink, Miztur Bond"?

Sox nue dat dis wuz hiz tarket, che wuz de won he wuz supponst tew pud oud ob kommission. Bud he nue dat he kudn't dew id here in de middo ob Stuudio 58, he myte as well enjoy de kompany.

"Barkeep, ged de layde a drink".
Tew Be Kontinewed.

Did I mention how much Google Blogger sucks..
I went to the doctor the other day about this "tired, exhausted, unfocused, inability to concentrate" thing thats been happening for years, but especially lately.

He did a test for Epstein Barr virus and thyroid.
I know the thyroid was good but the letter I got from him the other day didn't mention
EBS so maybe that test takes longer.

He put me on Provigil which is a drug they use for excessive sleepiness, like for narcolepsy but I don't have that. Its most likely the depression.

So I sent the presctription in with Kevin to fill at the Walmart pharmacy as that's the only place we can use his insurance. They said thank you very much sir and that'll be 812 dollars.

Later on however the insurance came back and said... 48 dollars. After they checked with the insurance company..

So we shall see if it works. I do feel a little strange. Shaky and floaty.. but I'm going to really give this a try . I can't go on the way I was.

I also started taking the depression pill at night which mean three days of crying for no reason, headache etc.

Albuterol for the chest congestion as well. I haven't had a normal feeling chest for months.. since the Christmas flu.. and then got another bout of it just two weeks ago.

Listening to Enya "Watermark".


Yorkshire Pudding said...

I think the Provigil is affecting your spelling because there were -well, let's just say one or two mistakes in the early part of this blogpost. Can you get pills fior mis-spelling?

Yorkshire Pudding said...

fior= for! Get me those pills quack - I mean quick!

By George said...

NO Pudding Man.. my cat Sox wrote that first part. *sheesh!*