Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Google is sucking at this Blogger thing

I am really getting tired of pictures not showing up and trying to respond to a post, signing in with my google account and being taken to my dashboard instead of the blog where I was about to post!

Normally I like google, I use it for searches.. it's all I ever use for searches. But it needs to work on this Blog thing.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Hey! You're getting angry! This mood doesn't suit you so lie down in a dark room with some Carpenters music playing in the background and think beautiful thoughts! ....I know what you mean though - this Google Beta thingumyjig has been a pain from Day One and they keep telling us how it's so much better than before! Rhubarb!

Scarlett said...

lol george it never takes me to my dash board! but i tried a few other blogs and this isnt so bad.. and it doesnt nag me to pay like xanga does

hope u r well
not been doing much lately as have had the flu
thinking of u tho!
Scarlett aka Janet