Tuesday, January 23, 2007


The computer is running smoothly------

Well at least while it running. But try and re boot the bastard... it takes for.... e..v...e...r.

I have too many programs on my start up.. but I don't know how to take them off short of deleting them.. and that doesn't even work.

I deleted all my virus programs except for AVG and I still have one that pops up and says my computer is not protected. The program is not even in the computer!!!

Got the game installed and got the new graphics card.
Next I'm getting one for Kevin.


Roy is not going to the CIA. I don't know if I said that already, but I have very mixed feelings about it.

It would have given him a lot of clout to have that on his resume, but his boss has talked him out of it. He has promoted Roy to sous chef..officially and put him on salary. Its a lot of responsibility and paperwork. But still Roy needs to get out in the world.

Carrie is a line chef loves it. And will probably have some promotions before it's all over.

She is in charge of deserts and salads.

other stuff:

Not letting my mom and dad go to Temple by them selves anymore. I worried too much about them. Even though my mother drives me completely mind numbingly insane... 81 yr old people don't need to be going there all alone.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Which deserts is Carrie in charge of? The Sahara? The Gobi? I like the word "Triviata" - sometimes that is what our lives seem to be filled with - disconnected this and thats. Funny isn't it how we come to rely on our computers? When they slow down or become infected, it seems to bring a piece of misery and frustration into our lives - even when we are not at the keyboard!

By George said...

grrr. I knew it was wrong when I put it there but my brain farted.. I just kept going.

I panic when something happens to mine. It's sad really how much I rely on it. If I had real life friends perhaps it wouldn't matter so much.
Then again the computer is my real life anymore.