Thursday, November 02, 2006


Going on vacation... write all about it when I get home.
My son has been here almost a week. Good times had by all etc..

Laters.. Peace out


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Have a nice time wherever you are bound.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

VACATAION! ALERT! ALERT! Spelling error! Can't undeerstand how I missed it first time round. Your penance is to write a detailed reflective post on your vacation which seems to be lasting one helluva long time dear!
from Yawksheer Poodinge!

By George said...

agggggg Ok.. in the next day or two..
Got home last night..

photos and more to come.

Anonymous said...

got home last night and didn't even call us to let us know you arrived safely?? Sheesh! Some brother/sister you guys are!! Just kidding, glad you guys had some time together after the crap of the last year+. K or I will probably give you a call later on tonight....have to give you the latest on Bambi versus auto....short version - I can't make fun of K anymore and my van is somewhere awaiting appraisal...Can I come visit you guys so *I* can have a vacation??

By George said...

Sorry L.... I asked Kev if you guys knew we were going ... and he said no so ....

You can come anytime !!!!

Anonymous said...

yes, I knew...he even told me, of course, he didn't say exactly WHEN you were going...ah well, no big thing.