Thursday, October 19, 2006

You Tube

This is a You Tube of - what else - my favorite game.

Now while I don't advocate using the word "gay" as a derogatory, I understand the sentiment... Kevin calles them Man Dresses. The spell casters in the game do have to wear robes. Their armor class is cloth so ... that's how it ends up. Unless of course you are a "bitchin" Shammy you can wear Mail.
I do appreciat the time, effort and talent that went into the making of this.
The guy had to have written the song as well.
I don't play alliance which is the faction this guy is playing, so a lot of the people he is killing are my faction.. LOL
You know me.. always the underdog.

1 comment:

By George said...

:( no one likes my post??!!! /cry