Tuesday, April 04, 2006

This is a painting by one of my favorite partists Caspar David Friedrich.

I tend to be drawn to the morose, dark, and somewhat macabre.Probably would have been Goth when I was young if that was then and this is now or this was now and that was when ... or something

I think that is one reason I'm drawn to the last two Wyeths. Andrew and Jamie

above "Christina's World" by Andrew Wyeth and

Jamie Wyeth's "Brandywine Spider"

apologies because of the pic in the side column, but I can't seem to change it.

This last one is by an unknown artist.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Hey! You have stolen my art gallery idea! But I don't mind. Interesting choices from someone who knows and cares a lot about art. By the way - well done on being brave enough to paste in pics. It can be a bit hit and miss because what you see in the frame when you are making the post is different from what appears in the blog. It might help if you stick to Left, Right or Centre. What I often have to do is Publish - see how it looks and then go back, adjust and publish again till I have got it how I want it. Sometimes you have to delete and then reload the picture you're trying to include. You've got to keep an eye on the Left/Centre/Right stuff. Happy days!

By George said...

Well some how it got fixed??
By the By the anonymous painting is mine. :)

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Hey! That's a good picture. I wish I could see it on a larger scale. You've clearly got talent and in saying that I'm not just being nice.

By George said...

It was supposed to have the title, taking a cue from Mr Pudding, but I had to edit and forgot to put it in, but my second blog ever had PP Rubens Hippopotamus Hunt featured. It was my intention all along, but I got side tracked. As usually happens.