Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Took Sox to the vet the other day for his bi monthly allergy shot. Normally he is very quiet while in the car. This day however he changed into a talking machine.

He wasn't too verbal on the way,its a 45 min to 1 hour drive into Waco depending on whether or not you get behind Farmer Brown with no where to go or have easy flying into town. So we go straight to the Vets. I was a tad early so we waited for the family with the two ferrets to go in and get their yearly vaccines. Did you guys know that even descented ferrets smell? Yea I did but I was reminded. Anyway, on of the ferrets had a reaction to the vaccine so they had to put it in a oxygen chamber and give her some epinephrin. Meanwhile Mr Sox is relatively quiet except when ferret children poked his carrier.

Finally we are called back to see Doc. The growling begins. I don't blame him, within this month he has been taken to the emergency vets for urology problems (he was blocked and couldn't urinate)and been to have HIS yearly vaccinations, so needless to say he isn't happy with the doctors right now.
I got him out of the carrier and he growled, he growled at the doctor, but took his shot like a good boy. Back in the carrier and out to the lobby. More waiting, more ferret kids poking his carrier.
So finally out to the car. Normally if I have stuff to do in Waco I leave him with the vet or take him in the store in his carrier. It just looks like a big purse and he is usually very quiet. Today I rolled the window down in the car and left him. I knew I wouldn't be in the book store long.
I got the order accomplished and went back out to the car, probably gone 30 minutes. That's when Sox began to "talk". All the way home. Normally I make him stay in the carrier while I'm driving because he sometimes gets under the seat and then I have to drag him out. But today he just roamed around the car, vocalizing with short breaks sitting on the armrest between the seats in the front.
The more I think about it though he has been very vocal since Kevin went back to San Diego.

I didn't know how he would react to Kevin being home. I was afraid he might be jealous of him. But he met us at the top of the stairs (which is the beginnig of our house) and greeted Kevin with open paws. Talked and talked to him, ran a played just like always. He'll be three in August or September, but still a kitten at heart.

Of course now the babies are as big (well, almost) as the adults and the adults are not very kind to them. Which is always the case in chickendom.
Consistently the babies have been escape artists, getting through the chainlink fence into places where they should not be, which is how we lost two of them.

I still do not know how many are hens and roosters, but I suppose I'll figure it out eventually.
Daddy has begun to go out to let them out in the mornings. He is really trying to get more exercise. -another story-.

and Lucille Ball Python.... she doesn't do anything but eat sleep and shed.


... said...

those are nice piccies of your pets, george. :)

Yorkshire Pudding said...

You must be Mrs Dolittle - the doctor's lady - with your ark full of critters... As the actress said to the priest - "Nice entry!"

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