Friday, March 24, 2006


Kevin is coming home for a visit. From the third to the tenth.
The twelfth is the day that he will begin to have injections in the area of the spine where it is ruptured. After that we will know if he needs surgery or not.
Very glad he is coming home.. if only for a short time. I may have to go out there soon as well.

No sooner had I spent the money on that than my kitty began to exhibit strange signs. He couldn't urinate, so of course I waited until the vet closed so I had to take him to the emergency animal hospital.

He's still there, being catheterized. Bless his heart.

My mom is having her spine pieces glued Monday.

My brother, his daughter and her two sons were here this past week. It was great to see the boys. It had been 3 years since I'd seen them.
My brother is 59, his daughter is 31 and the boys are 6 and 10.
We had a great time. Of course we ate and ate. I had brisket and macaroni salad ready the night they got here. I made shrimp bisque one night and my dad made his famous salmon salad. The next night we had Moroccan beef kebabs, cous cous and green beans.
Then we had lasagne and asparagus the last night they were here.
Marc was sick the second night and so was Jace the youngest, only Jace eventually had strep throat. Devyn was sick as well. But other than that, I think they still had fun.
We didn't really do anything except go to WalMart and the drug store..
We just had fun.
The kids really enjoyed the chickens.

So this week I start preparing for my husband to come home. Straighten up the house-again. I don't keep house..LOL I am such a terrible housekeeper.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

I think you will have to wait till Kevin comes home to get some "feng shui". By the way, until now I had always thought of you as a polite and modest person - I hadn't expected such open declarations of erotic desire. I think I'll take a leaf out of your book and openly declare that I want some "feng shui" too! I hope my wife's in the mood for some or it will be back to the inflatable woman I keep at the back of my wardrobe. I call her Marilyn by the way...

By George said...

You crack me up!!!!

... said...

LMFAO! [at pudding's comments]

george!! .. i'm SOO glad that kev's coming home! whee!! .. i know how much you miss him. *hugz*

as always sending you lots of love and light, girl.


The Blind-Winger Jones said...

Feng Shui, often thought of as an Eastern invention, did in fact emerge in Sootfield in the English Pennines, some time around the end of the 19th century. The master of this art was non other than that old snake-oil seller Two-legs Albert Rufftrade. He spent much of life traipsing about the hills in a dirty white smock pretending to be a druid.