Thursday, February 16, 2006

San Diego

Kevin isn't home as here in the house with me. But he is home as in the States.
He is in San Diego, in fact he is assigned to the San Diego De-Mob, Medical unit or what ever it its.
He is very frustrated and so am I .. he's been home almost two weeks and still don't know what's up. ( Well we know what's up... but I mean, we don't know what's going on as far as his condition or his having surgery etc. )
He can't hook his laptop up to the internet because of the RULES at the hospital med-hold where he is.

My mom fell down about 2 weeks ago and had to go today for an MRI. Daddy can only do so much so it's good that I am still here.

He wants me to try and go out there in a couple of weeks for a few days..

We'll see.. depends on the folks. My brother can come for a while but he has to take off work and their income has severly been reduced since Boeing sold out to who ever they sold out to. Marc got laid off from Boeing, went to aircraft Mech school and is working at a small airport in Wichita. But his wife is still working at the company even though it isn't really Boeing anymore.


I made the most awesome Mexican cornbread tonight.. will post the recipe on my cooking page for anyone who is interested.

I don't feel very interesting tonight.. I'll write again when I am inspired.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Life is rarely easy. Thank heavens that Kevin is back in The States. Sometimes you gotta be selfish. Don't think too hard of your aged mamma - run to Kevin like you were a teen girl in love again - I am sure your mamma would understand such flight. We only have one life.

By George said...

I will try, but they aren't making it easy.

I will soon however, break away.