Monday, February 27, 2006

On and On

Momma began having bowel problems last Sunday. Didn't say anything to me about it until Monday morning. So I took her to the ER and of course they admitted her. She'd lost a good amount of blood. They kept her until Friday. From Monday to Thursday morning she had nothing but liquids to eat or drink. Thursday they ran a colonoscopy and endoscopy and found the spot but it was healed. They think probably from over medicating. A few days before that she had taken way too many Loritabs. Never taken them before but they didn't work like the Vicoden that she normally takes for her pain, so she took them too close together. So two times in 7 days my dad comes to the bottom of the stairs, honking the horn down there to get me awake.
It was very peaceful while my mom was in the hospital. Sorry but it's true. My mother is a kind, sweet giving person, but for her family she is also a worry wart. Just drive you up the wall. Everyone knows it, but not everyone lives with her.
Anyway. She is home and I dread going downstairs again, because there is always something that she wants you to do.. Going to town.. pick this up. Don't like my sheets this way. Won't wear her hearing aids. Talks at your from another room and you can't hear. So of course, besides having to repeat everything you say to her and explain it because she is thinking about what she is going to say next rather than listening to your full comment, she has to repeat what she says because she yells at you from another room.

But don't get me wrong. I love her. She can be lots of fun.

Kevin is not going to see the Dr again until March 23, so it'll be after that that I see him. Frankly both of us don't want to just have a 3 day visit and then have to say good bye again.
That and money. That and flying... Gods I hate to fly. Not just hate. More than that.

I think.

Someone is here. Probably the postman bringing my boots.
I broke my boots when I went cow herding. So I figure after 11 years of service.. they deserved to break if they wanted to and I ordered some new ones. 16 lace Doc Martens. Only they have a zipper so I only have to lace them once to fit my leg and then zip them on.

One of my baby chicks is missing. I think it might have excaped yesterday. Hopefully it will find it's way home, but I am not going to tramp thru all that damn brush to find it.

Those of you inclined light some candles for me.

I need to learn how to insert pictures.. Pudding do you just use an html code?
Cause I can do that.

Well a sink of dirty dishes await. Clean ones need putting away.
Clothes need washing and Momma's chores need doing.
Exercise class awaits. And I would really like to sew, or do pottery, or paint.
Lady keep me off the game as long as you can today. ... well maybe not that long.
One more level till I can buy my wolf.. then I RIDE into battle.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Nice to read about your life even though you have some troubles to shoulder just now. Pictures? Easy babe. when you are writing a blog entry you'll see a little picture icon at the top of the frame. Click on this and get yourself to "My Pictures" on the hard drive of your computer. That's where you have to store any pics. Click on the pic you want and simply wait for "Done" as you return to the writing frame. Click on "Done" and then the picture will insert. Sometimes it takes ten seconds to do. Sometimes a minute. Don't be scared - just experiment. Then you can change the size of the pic or move it where you want it in the text. Honest - it's easy.

By George said...

Ok.. mine always wind up at the top and I like how you put them all over your posts. I didn't know you could move them around... :P

I know I gripe all the time. I find it easier to write when times are bad. I think most people do. Seems that way anyway.

I'll try to be better.. happier.. I am a pisces.. we aren't happy a whole lot...ha. well maybe that's not so true....

... said...

heyas george! .. and YES, happiness is a state of mind. :)

sorry to hear about your troubles, but always remember that you ARE strong, you ARE powerful and nothing can bring you down, girl.. NOTHING. *hugz*

... see ya in the funny papers!