Friday, January 27, 2006

Tagged, by Pudding Man

4 Jobs I've Had
2.cafeteria worker
3.assistant Innkeeper
4.Art History teacher

4 Movies I can watch over and over (I very rarely do this)
1. Shrek
2. Roshamon
3. The Fifth Element
4. LOTR all of them

4 Places I've Lived
1. Long Beach Ms.
2. Okinawa
3. New Orleans
4. San Francisco

4 Places I've Vacationed
1. Washington DC
2. Atlanta
3. Savannah
4. Gulfport Ms

4 Of My Favorite Dishes
1. Fried Chicken --Smashed taters gravy
2. Baked chicken and rice
3. BB Q shrimp
4. California Rolls

4 Non-Blogger Sites I visit daily
1. BP Forum
2. Purple haze
3. Pet Forum
4. Bastion

4 Places I'd Like to Visit
1. Alaska
2. Rome (Italy)
3 Rocky Mountains
4. Anywhere

4 People I'm Tagging for this Meme (What's a meme?)((Really!))
1. .:Carrie-Ann:.
2. Nightmare
3. Boogins
4. Frankfrancaruis


Yorkshire Pudding said...

California Rolls? Thought that was something to do with sex!

... said...

ha! .. leave it to a dork like ME to leave you this link.. *big grin*

definition: meme

you asked, and indi delivers.. it's nice to see you back george.. you know i was missing ya, hon.. *mwah*

By George said...

ok.. strange. But I have a feeling that Yorkshire knew it.

I read it.. and still don't understand it, but of course it could be the two shots of Gentleman Jack on the rocks.. hahahahahaah

... said...

oh my.. two shots of gentleman jack..?

indi sez.. never drink and surf.
