Monday, September 19, 2005


You know I don't think that I've read too many blogs, let alone write one of my own. I don't even know why I'm doing this. I have a perfectly good hard copy journal that I bought to write in while my husband Kevin is overseas. Why do we all have this compunction to spill our guts all over the internet?
My life this last few weeks have been full of hurricanes and wondering where my husband is.
First of all he left the end of July for California and the military base there for training. Then September 9th he went across the water.. not the big water, that is the Pacific, but he went across the other big water. I don't know where he is, or how long he will be there.
I have heard from him, emails and phone calls, but I don't know on which exact piece of mother earth he is eating, sleeping and working on. I know he's hot, lonely and in good company.

Hurricanes.. my son and my daughter's daughter both live in Long Beach, Mississippi and were greatly effected by Katrina. My son's home is relatively undamaged but his girlfriend's was rendered useless. My granddaughter's home and her father's business were equally damaged.
I spent several days not knowing how they were, trying to make phone calls. Also trying to contact some former co-workers . After perusing many-many listings on message boards I found one woman, made the contact, then found another woman's son's listing. So eventually I found out that they all made it although many of them lost their homes. One of them lost her mother after she was evacuated. So they are alive.

So much to say. But I need to collect my thoughts. This blog was a very spur of the moment think.

Blessed Peace. G


Bizzle Fitz said...

If you want inspiration on how to create a blog, visit mine. They're random yet personal and creative. And then you can put an end to your no blog reading.

By George said...

Sure.. thanks