Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My Real AGE!

I just filled out this thing on the Care2 site that supposedly tells me my real age.
Apparently I am 67 physically.
So enneywho.
life sucks and you know the rest.
I know I need to get in shape. But I am just too damn lazy to do anything about it.
What's up with this other hurricane out there. Doesn't that suck.?

Tomato juice:

Oh how I love you!
with rooster sauce
an horseradish
and Frank's Red Hot
A little Vodka wouldn't hurttttttttttttt!

Things to do:

Clean out Lucy's cage
Clean out Sox' box
Move all the art supplies to the closet after putting up shelves.
Find some kitchen cabinets for alla my stuff.
Hook up hot water to the kitchen sink.
Get Vacuum cleaner fixed
Make pottery
So much more.
Put Kevin's phone on hold

Life sucks

Life is good

And this Nancy Grace. Man what a creep!
I haven't watched much news in the past few years. It frankly makes me sick, but with this hurricane stuff and wanting to know how my friends and my city soulmate are, I've been watching a lot of new programs.
OH and this Tucker Carlson. what a jerk.
I love Wolf, Ron Reagan, some of the other folks I can deal with but these people - Nancy and Tucker ... are trouble makers. Just doing it to be jerks. I can see through them.
Rita Cosby is just annoying. I think it's how she talks and breaths. I know she probably can't help it. And if it's a physical problem then I am sorry for her, but damn. She seems very genuine though

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