Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I haven't heard from my heart, my beautiful husband in two days.
This is a picture by PP Rubens, called the Hippopotamus Hunt. Done during the Baroque period.
Rubens isn't necessarily my favorite but I do like this picture. He also has one called the Lion Hunt which is essentially the same painting, just with a lion. During that period it was the thing to do. Hunt exotic animals. Supposedly it's not the thing to do anymore, however, I don't think so many animals wou ld be going extinct if that were the case.

I just want this crazy woman out of my life and out of my house.
She just walked into my house yesterday, without anyone knowing... she'd been in jail, she was doped up on 8 yes 8 valium.. don't know what milligram but 8?!
Well she is up now and still dopy. I am just holding my breath.
For two years, she has called and cried, come over and cried, had fights first with her girl friend and then with her boyfriend. She's done and supposedly gotten off of drugs, been and abuser and been abused. She has moved into her house and lived in a situation that a pig wouldn't live in. She has drained everything I have ... I have nothing left for her.

I want her gone from my life.
And her shit factory dog.

1 comment:

By George said...

Commenting on my own post. SHE IS GONE!!!!

I don't want to sound heartless, but for two years I have been dealing with this person, this lost, pathetic person with multiple problems. But now ... at this point in my life-- I just can't do it anymore. I can't take the crying, the temper, the childish talking and tantrums. I can't take her sucking all my energy and never giving back.
Many people have told me to leave her be. My husband, friends but I thought I could make a difference. And I feel bad that now with her losing nearly everything that I had to cut the ties. Just bad timing.