Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I'm back!!!

At this time I would like to post some of my artwork I've been up to lately.
The pictures have not been cropped properly but I am going to work on that this afternoon and tomorrow. I can only sit here at my desk for so long then I have to get up and move around. This is a slide show I posted on my Business Blog this morning:

Not sure about the sparkly.. but I LOIKE SPARKLIES!!!!!
This is the link to the Blog Dragonheart Studio
Book mark that site cause I am going to be posting lots of stuff to it.
Sounds like I plan on being busy.
I hope so. I have to get off my "sittin place" and do some work.

On the mellerdramatic side: I have been put on three more meds.. bringing the total up to about 10? I think. I also have Epstein Barr Virus. So I have an excuse for being tired alla the time. (hehe).

My kids are finally working not at cheffing but various and sundry stuff. Registered .. both of them... for nursing school in Jan. Good money, but I loved the cheffing thing.

Because of my depression.. I get very depressed when people don't post. So if you come here just say hi. At least?! k?

1 comment:

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Hi! You seem so upbeat BG! If that is depression I want some mama!