Sunday, June 24, 2007

Chicken eating Raccoon and some other stuff

yep, low down dirty raccoon made off with 6 chickens and my two ducks, before we trapped him. It was so horrible walking out there in the morning and finding them eaten.. nothing but bones, head and feet left. We spent three days fixing the pen. Plugging up holes and such. It's raccoon proof now, but .... Doesn't look pretty but it serves the purpose. The first day, I found the daddy duck inside the little enclosed pen and the momma who had been sitting on a clutch of eggs out in the garden eaten and all the eggs eaten.

So we put the chickens in the pen that night and propped the door shut to the coop, however it wasn't shut good so we lost two chickens that night. The next night we shut it again, but still somehow the coon got into the coop. Two more gone and my little silkie was gone. The next night everything was covered with chicken wire, except a couple of places in the top and we couldnt' work on it because of the rain.

but we put the trap inside the pen and caught one coon. I dispensed of him post haste. But we haven't trapped anymore. We have a live trap and the coon was dispatched quickly. I don't believe in making animals suffer, but me and coons have no friendship after 3 years ago when one ate up all my expensive Koi. Anyway. My chickens are down to 4 hens and 2 roosters. I will get more. I really enjoy watching them more than having the fresh eggs. They all have personalities and quirks. The hens I have left are, one of the Production Red's that I originally bought.. She is the only one of my original flock left. Three siblings. One little blind in one eye hen and the two roosters are siblings. Then I have two Americaunas.. one white and one varigated.. they lay blue and bluegreen eggs respectively. The three siblings are also half Americauna.

Chickens are safe.
Question.. Why does a chicken Coop only have two doors??
answer at the bottom of the post.
I've been painting, doing a painting for my cousin Kent and his wife Kerry, of an African Savannah, and acacia tree. I'll post that later when I'm done. I painted some styrofoam heads for displaying my knitted caps

I wanted them to be very campy.. I saw some like that on ebay but they were to expensive for me. I did change them up so that I didn't strictly copy someone else.
you can't see their hair but it's sort of 20'ish I think the blond looks like Shannon Tweed LOL.

Here are some of my finished pots.
Blue coffee cup

white mug

and Blue pitcher
Last is blue green pitcher.

answer: Because if it had four doors, it would be a chicken sedan. :)

1 comment:

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Wouldn't it be simpler to have a raccoon coop? You could feed them up each morning, watch them run about and finally butcher them for a barbecue? Perhaps then ducks and chickens would be breaking in at night and terrorising your raccoons!
More creative wizardry on show! APPLAUSE!