Monday, May 14, 2007

The Beat Goes On

Long time no blog.

Both my kids called yesterday to acknowledge that "holiday" that Hallmark Cards dreamed up to boost their sales. We all feel guilty if we don't at least mutter some kind of greeting. My mom brought me a yellow rose that they gave her at church. I Love Roses! well to be honest I love flowers. Plants. Grass (yes even the kind you smoke.. lol though I gave that up long ago.) Trees.. you know all that nature stuff. I'm the earth mother type.. to an extent. I don't wear Berkies and unmatched prints.

I am the GM of the World of Warcraft guild, Legion, it was going absolutely faboulous until we got two trouble makers. I got rid of one at the behest of the other and then the other left the next day. Then many more left the guild. So I turned the reigns over to one of my other officers and took a couple of months off.. only checking in every several days and not playing. In the meantime I found Lord of the Rings Online game. It too is an MMORPG. So true to the books and I just love it. It isn't as fast paced as WOW, but since I am a fool for JRRT I am so into it. I am still playing the other (wow) and have recently taken over the reigns of the guild again, however I don't go daily as I did before and usually don't play over an hour at a time. The fun went out of the game for me with what Bill did to me. He harassed me on the main game forums. Told people I was unstable and had harassed him. He then began to steal my guild members. So I just don't play much anymore.

In fact I don't play LOTRO much either. I have been working in my shop. Doing sculpture with stoneware clay. I'll post some pictures later. Been cooking and doing stuff for Mom and Daddy, Plus trying to get over my depression and resulting sleepiness. So far so good.

My doctor gave me a perscription for Provigil. A drug perscribed for people with narcolepsy or sleep-apnea. Well I have sleep apnea and really don't sleep very well.
So far I am doing much better. And keeping busier.. I even give a shit about stuff now.

The old folks are about the same.

Kevin is about the same.

We happened to turn on The Fellowship of the Ring last night. Man is that ending a tear jerker. We were going to watch the whole series about a week ago but couldn't find our dvd's of the first one.

The weather is beginning to turn ugly. HOT HOT HOT!! Our handy man, Fred, had a heart operation today, so he will be out of pocket for a while. Although the prognosis is really good that he will be up and about before long. He had some stents put into his veins. He is only 5 years older than me and I am pretty scared due to being so overweight. Hopefully though I'll start getting more exercise.

I don't have an air conditioner in the studio, so for now I just open the big garage door and turn on some fans, but that is problematic for both pottery and painting as it dries stuff out where you don't want it dried out.
This is one of my "grove" sculptures as raw greenwayre. I've fired it and now I need to put some type of glaze on it. I am unsure as to what I want to do right now. So I am just going to let it sit for a while.

This is part of my studio. What?? you thought it would look all slick and clean. How you make me laugh!!! Hahahah
My wheel, and stool with bat on it..(bat is a flat circular thing you put on your wheel head to put your clay on and the electric foot pedal makes it go really fast.)

And this is a fridge in my shop..and this is what's in the fridge:

Clay, its a real good place to keep your clay moist, however, not indefinitely. Ok that's all for now


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Nice to hear from you again. Sounds like you have been busy with the clay. I am a bit envious of your facilities and the fact you are not just talking about working with clay - you are actually doing it! At Xmas I got a book about making ceramic mosaics. I did make a couple when I was seventeen/eighteen but now I want to try it again - something quite intricate, painstaking and ultimately artistic. The design is starting to form in one of the back passages of my mind.

By George said...

Excellent.. just don't talk yourself out of doing it like I usually do.

Anonymous said...

hey! at least you are posting....was wondering what was going on sine I hadn't seen any new posts. As to the comment about Kevin - how is he REALLY doing?? He called her asking about Ken's kidney symptoms, but hasn't called back to give us an update....little worrisome, you know? Sleep Apnea can be decreased or gotten rid of with weight loss, but it is hard, I know. Mother has a CPAP machine that she is supposed to use every night because of her apnea, but she doesn't always remember....something to look into that doesn't involve more drugs.

In case you didn't know, CHasity will be with us for June and July...Norman only wants her up here for June, but Ken won't have the time off to take her back until the end of July. We are hoping that this vacation will be beneficial to her and to the N. Vann family...later sis!

By George said...

He is ok.. it's just erm... hemrroids.. but they are doing a colonoscopy anyway. I could have told him it wasn't his kidneys.. that doesn't come out the end he was having problems. with.
I do have a machine that I use every night.. I have to other wise I die several times a night and my throat swells up badly. yea losing weight is a bitch.