Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Even MORE Computer Boggles

I've been having an ongoing problem with the graphics in my game.... WORLD OF WARCRAFT with over 7 MILLION subscribers WORLD WIDE. New Expansion set came out today..

OOPS sorry..

so this is what happens.
there is no floor or back of the building.
This one

has shimmering lines and solid blocks of color.

The problem quit after I put in a 1 gig memory stick along with the 512 mgs of memory that were already in it.
However with the new Expansion pack that came out today Blizzard has been uploading lots and lots of information to the computer and the problems started again.
So I knew it couldn't be memory. I updated my driver.. several times and even with the help of the guy from Blizzard. (which by the way I had tried over 8 months ago with the same result)... This is what I got.

by this time however.. I had uninstalled and deleted the old driver so that I could have a least played even with the glitches.. Now it's impossible. I knew that if I downloaded the driver again it would just be the same one.

SO.... making a long story even LONGER. I ordered a new graphics card for the computer..

Ha the end you think.. not so..

Before I ordered the radeon 9250 256 mg graphics card from New Egg, I called Best Buy. They had one left. Hallelujah, Goddess be praised. The guy Boris... said he would put it up at the service desk and hold it for me till tomorrow..( would have been Saturday). Over night it froze and so I called the service desk to tell them to please hold it one more day. They didn't have it .. The girl I talked to didn't even know what I was talking about. ... *sigh*
I hung up on them and ordered it ....
It's not here today. I just hope I can get it installed and it actually works.


1 comment:

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Urrrgh?! No comment!