Monday, January 01, 2007

Christmas of illness

They were not earth-shattering illnesses but very nasty and uncomfortable.
First I got some kind of horrible intestinal/stomach illness. Could be a food allergy or could have been a bug. I don't know but it wasn't a fun thing to go thru. Lasted a couple of days and then Kevin brought home the influenza.

2 days in bed with the stomach thing....Four days in bed with the flu and that was before Christmas. I am still coughing and blowing.

Then Christmas night... I took the stomach ailment again. I cooked Christmas dinner on Tuesday because my brother and his wife (Yes Marc and Rhonda from the Santa Fe trip)came down Christmas night. I could barely eat anything when we at dinner at 2pm. And didn't eat anything else till about noon the next day.. OK for me not to eat even when I'm sick.. Means I am Sick!!

Anyway I am still being careful about eating.. well careful for me anyway.

If it happens again I'm going to the hospital.

Everyone else was ok.. except for the flu. Marc and Rhonda had both been down with that as well. So at night it was a regular cough fest around the house.

Thing is .. Kev and I both had our flu vaccine. He had his thru the Navy in the nose.. a swab thingie he put in his nostrils. Then I went down and had the shot. But I suppose someone screwed up and handed out the wrong flu vaccines.

OK well other than that. Christmas was ok.
My daughter said I did a great job on Christmas gifts.. she loved the sheets and book that I got her. Roy loved the sheets I got him.. he said he had looked at the exact sheets before. I also got him some books by Alton Brown. Roy filled out his application for the Culinary Institute of America the other day so we are all very excited about that.
Carrie loves cooking too I am hoping that she has found a job that she really loves like Roy has.

Wal Mart has screwed Kevin over. Naturally.
When you go away on Military deployment you are supposed to be able to come back to work at the exact job and pay (with raises and bonuses) as if you had never been gone. Well it isnt' that way so he called someone today and left a message to talk to them about it.
Walmart needs to be taken down several notches. It is illegal for a company to be larger than the government.. well hum.. lets see...

Anyway. done bitching.
Back to Christmas.
Kevin got me for our 6th anniversary, two little gift sets. One of jellies with a serving bowl and the other an ice cream set with 4 bowls, ice cream scoop and some toppings. Then for Christmas he got me a Egg and Muffin maker (Paula Deen).
Its a toaster with a little thing on the end that cooks eggs and the ham for the egg mc muffin or eggs benedict.. (sans hollindais sauce) and a Jar opener.. electric. I asked him if I could share it with Mom so I took it downstairs to their house and put it in the kitchen so she can open jars easier. I have trouble with them but Momma cant because of her arthritis. (she'll be 81 this year).

I got him a remote control blimp. LOL really it's a mylar ballon that comes with the little motor and stuff to make a blimp.. it's really bigger than I thought it would be. About 25 to 30 inches in diameter and over a foot high. ( sorry Pudding and Janet dont' know how that converts...) Then you have to put the little fans on the bottom. He bought a helium filler at work yesterday and filled it up while I was sleeping last night. Can't find a shot of that.
I also got him the first two seasons of Gilmore Girls.. he loves that show. He says the reparte between the mom and daughter remind him of me and Carrie.. LOL

Take care and as soon as I fiddle with the last of the pics from Santa Fe I'll load them up.
Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Happy New Year! Sorry that illness interfered with your Christmas pleasures. Hey! We have feet and inches over here in the UK - that's how my generation still measure things but in schools kids now learn everything in decimal centimetres and metres etc. Take care.