Friday, December 08, 2006

Santa Fe 2

Marc's back on the train..

And here is Rhonda sleeping we boarded the train at 3:20 in the morning but I coudn't sleep at all.The train was really nice but with a train load of people from Detroit traveling to Las Vegas parts of it were sort of nasty. But all in all I enjoyed the train very much.

Santa Fe is beautiful, perhaps a bit too beautiful. It is wealthy and artsy, somewhat pretentious. But I would live there in a heartbeat. Just as I would move back to New Orleans in a heart beat.

Santa Fe proper is in a little bowl surrounded by mountains.

Not too far from our hotel was this sign... I thought it was "cool"

We stayed at the Old Santa Fe Inn. built like an old rancho. An open courtyard with rooms on three sides. The dining room and reception was in the front.
A covered porch all the way around the courtyard. (I'm an art history teacher and I can't remember the terms). And of course chili pepper strings hanging everywhere.

Every building is adobe, it's a law.
End of part 2, Lots more pics. So this will take a while. Stay tuned.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Thanks for Chapter Two but don't keep us waiting so long for Chapter 3!

Janet&Carl said...

Santa Fe looks great hun!