Wednesday, July 12, 2006

San Diego

San Diego airport.. Rather Lindberg Field, is an awesome airport to land in.
We got on the plane in Dallas and luck of the draw I had an American Airlines pilot sitting beside me. And since its only the third time in my life that I'd flown it was nice to have him.
When we landed in S D I watched every minute and he said that if I could watch that approach, I could do anything.

The first couple of days was a little slow. We had a friend of Kev's driving so we sort of did what he wanted to do. The zoo was awesome, but he was a little time consuming. I would like to have done what Carrie and Unity wanted to do more. After the third day he had to go home on emergency leave, and we were stuck for a ride. But that was Kevin's surgery day so luckily we were on the hospital grounds.

We went to eat at a mall .. a really cool mall.Horton PLaza
we only saw a little bit of it.. again.. too many people
Next day we went to Maritime Museum
Very cool. Star of India, HMS Surprize from the movie, Master and Commander or something like that.. we have it.. pretty good movie.
After that.. back to the mall.

We had to be at the hospital at 6 am, and they took him immediately to the pre op room.
At 7:30 he was preped, doped and on his way. No one talked to us. I had no idea what they were doing, how long it was going to take ...nothing. So I sat in the waiting room for 6 hours. Finally a phone call to wait at post op door to follow him to the same day surgery recovery.

I got him all settled in and went back to the room for a rest, then back to the hosp for a little bit till they ran me out.

He came back to the room next day about 9 am. I went over the the NEX and got him some PJ's as he didn't have any and he really liked them! He rested all day but that night he was up and down all night. He couldn't find a comfortable position. Slept on the sofa in the room, on his knees on the floor with head on bed. HE was so miserable.

Finally the next day he got some sleep. The next day he came with us to the Natural History museum. And to see the Rose garden on the way home.
Natural History Museum, Balboathis is the Mission Fig tree in front of the museum.
this one is Unity being fire in the exhibition about the big fires out there in "03.

Ok.. that's it for now. I'll finish in a couple of days.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

I'm still puzzled about what they have been doing to Kevin. What did the op involve and why is he still in San Diego. Can't you take him home?

By George said...

He had two disc's in his neck replaced with cadavar bones and a steel plate put in. Plus they scraped some of the spurs off of the other discs. I didn't really understand why the doc called they arthritic discs.. but here is a definition of it: 1. spondylarthritis - arthritis that affects one or more of the intervertebral joints in the spine
I am assuming that is what it was.
He is in the military that's why I can't bring him home. One of the people who are staying in the Fisher House where we stayed, said they knew ppl who had been in Med Hold for 2 years.
He will have to have therapy as well. I may go back out there in a couple of weeks after his next appointment. Or maybe he can come home for a visit.
There is never a rhyme or reason as to why the military does what they do...

Anonymous said...

No words can adequately describe the deep love that I share with Georgane. I thank her for coming to my side and taking care of my needs the short time she was with me in California.

I enjoyed our time together and wish that we could have done more with here, but enjoyed the time I spent with my entire family to the extreme.