Monday, June 19, 2006

Went out and pulled some grass out of the front Canna bed. But didn't finish. I have to save some energy to finish cleaning the house.

Carrie will be here tomorrow and I have to go to Killeen to pick her and Unity up. They will stay until the 12th of July with a trip to see Kevin in between those dates. We are all going out on the 30th and coming back on th 9th. Then Carrie-Ann is taking Kevin's car and going back to Mississippi.

She badly needs a car so she can look for a job in the place where Unity lives.
Then entire reason she left her beloved Savannah was to be where Unity could live with her, and then they decided to stay in Ala. So poor Carrie is moving again.

Mr Rillo the parakeet is feeling his oats this morning.. just singing and squaking.. But he is so cute.

OH I killed a snake in the chicken coop last night. I went out to close the coop door, a lot of the time I will just stick my hand in the nest to see if there are eggs.But we've had numerous snake sitings and sure enough I saw one slithering around.
OK picture this.
I of course take my cell phone with me out to the coop at night.. just in case something happens and twice I have had to use it. Once one of the chickens had a string wrapped around her feet and I needed help holding her. Then last night. If I had left to go get a gun, the snake would have disappeared. So I called my mom to ask her to bring me a gun. That snake could be the very one that has eaten two of my chicks.
I called my mom and she said she would be down with a gun. Well while I was waiting for her I called Kevin to tell him that I couldn't come back to the game because I had to kill a snake. Three other people besides Kevin were waiting for me to help them go thru a dungeon. I am a really high lvl and they needed me to protect them. So I called him and he told the others what was going on.
About 4 minutes later here come the old people. My parents are both 80 years old. Both use canes. Here they are tottering in the dard, with their canes, flashlights, a garden hoe to chop the snake with, an air rifle and pistol. IN their pajamas.
Daddy gave me the gun, but I wouldn't let either one of them into the coop because I knew that they couldn't move fast enough to run if it started to charge and we didn't know what kind of snake it was. I knew it wasn't a rattler because it wasnt "rattling". But we have lots of moccasins around here. Very poisonous as well. So I shot it in the "neck"? area and then I couldn't hit it's head with a 22 caliber piston. So I got the hoe and pulled it out the outside of the coop. Then Daddy chopped it. I looked on the internet and I think it was a King snake which isn't poisonous but they do eat eggs and chicks.
Whew! The strange thing was that the chickens didn't freak out when I shot the gun. Three times no less. They clucked but didn't "freak". So we hauled it out to the road thinking our road runner would take it to eat. (Too big though-Daddy said the roadrunner just looked at it and kept going. )
On the way back into the house I got a call from Kevin. It appears that the party did not wait for me and decided to go tackle some of the creatures by themselves. They didn't make it. My character had to get back and resurrect the rest of the party because they were all dead. They got a little bit too big for their britches.
So it was an exciting night. I should have come in and celebrated with a drink.. but I didn't. Damn!


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Over here in England we have an organisation called the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and on behalf of world snakes , may I say madam, that if you do visit our sceptred isles there is every chance you will be clapped in irons and led to The Tower for brutally disposing of one of God's beautiful creatures in such a bloodthirsty manner! Poor little snakey wakey!

By George said...

Well I actually have a pet ball python..Lucille Ball Python.
But she isn't out in the coop eating my chickens... lol


Yorkshire Pudding said...

I will contact The Queen about the pet snake. This may save you from being beheaded like a snake in a chicken coop!