Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Good News.... I think

Good news is that they have finally given Kevin a date for surgery.

HOLD everything.. Need coffee

Ok.. it's brewing.

Kevin's dr has set him up for the 3rd of July.
The lady at the Fisher house is trying to get Carrie, Unity and me a flight for free. People donate miles and they give them to the families of wounded service men.

Kevin didn't seem to think he qualified, but he does since he was injured in Kuwait.

So I am trying to get in touch with her, but she hasn't returned my phone calls.
I am going to fly Carrie and Unity out here next week.
But I was really worring about where I was going to get the money to get us to California.

We will get to stay at the Fisher house for 10 dollars a night. We'll hopefully get there a couple of days early, Kev wants to take us to the Zoo and to Coronado Navy Base.

Other news.
I heard from a friend I don't hear from much. She is quite busy, but called and we met for lunch at the new Chinese place. There is a possibility that we may attempt a joined business. Or at least try and have them related.
I met her online at a Witch site, and for three years we never met ... she only lived 9 miles away. Finally last year, right after Kevin left, we decided to meet for lunch.

Also I got a nice long e mail from another friend whose husband is in Kevin's battalion. (I don't know how to spell it). She has been very busy since Mike got home and I was really missing her.

THEN last night at the community center meeting, Sandy told me she wanted us to start being friends. We have common interests.
So I feel better about myself.

Indi was upset with me. She said I used her name in a bad light. I don't feel that I did. I meantioned other people as well. And it's not as if it was malicious or vindictive. Just the truth. I don't hate anyone. Just disappointed.
No one reading this know's who any of them are. And I did not really expect her to see it anyway.
But like I said. I'm done.

So today I go run the carpet scrubber for my mom... fun, exercise, fun.

Sorry YP this is the best I can do today!


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Nice to find you more upbeat and comfortable with yourself...This evening please call round for a few beers while we chinwag on our new decking...

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Where were you? I had a Caribbean rum punch all ready.