Saturday, February 04, 2006

A while back

I was talking about the library we are getting together here in our little village.
About how they said prayers.. that was bad enough.. but then they started singing some song. Once they asked me to lead prayer.. I said no.
I was disgusted at their assumption that everyone believes the same way. I know a couple of others there that don't. I've noticed at other functions when people pray that they don't.
Also we were told that after the library got it's own facility that there would be no affiliation with the church. That in order to get grants that there could be no connection with the church.

WELL.. a couple of days ago I went to the first meeting in a while as I have been in and out of town.. etc.
D... the preacher, one of the friends.. which I thought he was just a friend like me. Said that there would be censorship and that a Wicca book or Sataninst book would not be allowed in the library as long as he lived and breathed.

So after the meeting I told him that I would be quitting. That I was Wiccan and that I was not of Satan. That I didn't believe in Satan. He says "Well you better..he is real". I muttered something about believing in evil, and trailed off. Gods I am such a.. disgusting mass of emotions. I get so flustered when speaking to people. I never come off as an articulate, intelligent person when in a confrontation with someone.
I don't try here, but I can be very articulate. I can even spell words rite (<--- lol) cause I use my spell checker. And usuallly re write several time.
But when I speak, discuss, I can't. My emotions take over and I get flustered and forget points I want to make or just blither. He said several time.. "Well, I've asked you to come by and discuss this with me many times"... Once. he asked me.
And what's he going to do. ... Try to convince me that JESUS is the way.
Whatever. I've been there.. done that.
I was saved.. everyone said.. that I glowed. Thing is .. not long after that shit happened at the church dealing with a family member and I stopped going. Not one of those souls called to ask me to come back, not one of them asked what they could do to help me. NOT even the preacher or the Sunday school teacher who LOVED me.
13 years later I found what I needed.. And I've been there for 11 years now.
While I am not really. I call myself that for lack of a better word.
Deist would be more appropriate. I believe that my god is my higher self and when I pray to talk to what ever name I wish to put on it... it's soul that I'm talking with. That I pray to and that helps me gather the energy from the earth, air, fire and water to make something happen.

And Yes by cracky.. there is evil. but I can protect myself from that evil.

And just because I don't live by a book called the bible that has been re- written over and over and over, and edited each time and decided on by a bunch of bishops (or whatever) that had decidedly un-pious reasons for what went into and stayed out of the book, means I am of satan.

And just because I don't believe in a god or religion that has been the ruin of this world over the past 2000 or longer years, means I am of satan.

Pissed off.... hell yea.
I have a belly full of this crap living here.
I also feel betrayed about what I was told about the library.

By the way he said.. and they all say this..
"I was not always this goody goody preacher that you see now". He said he'd known Wiccan's in Austin.. thats how he knew that they were of satan. I said well that most of the Pagans I know are more moral and decent people that most of the christians I know. He said just the opposite of course.
I just think if he was being a bad boy in Austin .. he was probaly hanging out with people who werent "good" to begin with. Perhaps he was just in with a bad crowd. I know people who are young and don't really grasp the concept of Wicca and use it incorrectly.
W T F who gives a shit. I am shaking it off and re grouping.

I'll be so glad when Kevin is home. To help me thru all this crap. He is the best leaning post I know. and I am his.

Our souls, higher selves have know each other for many many life times.


Saints and Spinners said...

Hello! I followed your link from Yorkshire Pudding's site. I was wondering if the library you're getting together is a public library (it sounds like one). If so, there really should be no affiliation with the church, and the banning of Wiccan books (or anything else) is indeed censorship. I know you know that,but I just wanted to add my note of support as as public-librarian (currently full-time mom). One of the big struggles we face is the issue of selection vs. censorship. It's one thing to select books for a specific demographic, and completely another to say "This kind of book will never make it into the library as long as I live and breathe."

I hope you can find some strong, supportive people in your area who fully support the notion of free-speech, equal access to all, etc. to back you up on this so the community can see that it's not about serving one's own specific interests. We have been dealing with these issues of censorship for a long, long time and they're not going to go away... but perhaps it's good that we have to defend freedom of information constantly so we don't take it for granted. On the other hand, I wish we would all be able to take it for granted. It's so fatiguing to have to struggle for things we should be able to take for granted.

By George said...

I joined with the understanding that it would be a community or public library. With grants and such. I know some one was writing grants.

I was startled by his declaration. And I wasn't the only one.

thank you for your post

... said...
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... said...

wow. :–/

see..? this is why indi can't live in a small town.. are you kidding..? with THIS mouth and mentality..? .. i'd surely swing from the tallest tree in town! -indi shakes fist at narrow-minded townspeople-

*sigh* george.. but in all seriousness.. lots of luck to you in the coming days with this issue.

... and as always

in love and light, george


By George said...

yea.. I wrote to the woman in charge (or that thinks she's in charge) she wrote me and hoped that I'd find my peace. I don't know.. that offended me.
Probably just me.. but it was like she thought I needed god to find peace.

... said...

oh my.. THAT'S what she wrote back to you..?

it sure seems like nobody's in YOUR corner with regard to the real ISSUE.

... as an avid reader, i find censorship a SAD thing indeed, george.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Religion and intellectual enlightenment do not belong in the same sentence. Why can't these churchy people just get on with the simple challenge of living their lives. You could stand out under a starry sky and call desperately for God till dawn but nobody would hear you and no one would reply.

By George said...

Ahh but if god doesn't answer.. they are so brain washed that they would believe that it was their lack of faith that kept god away.

argue with that kind of reasoning.

... said...

heh, maybe you oughta recommend mark twain's "letters from the earth"


Anonymous said...

Hope you don't mind that I surfed here from Y.Pudding's blog.
This particular post really made me want to comment. I work p/t for a church and have seen the so-called pious attitudes. Isn't it amazing that good Christian people can be so judgemental?
I refuse to adhere to any one religion, choosing instead to embrace the positives in all religions, as well as my druidic ancestry.
Don't allow that minister's prejudices to upset you. Perhaps he needs a more structured belief system to sustain him. Whatever works. The guidepost we should all live by: be the best person you can be and do no harm.