Thursday, February 02, 2006

Kevin is in Germany

Kevin called yesterday morning to tell me that he was in Germany. The pain management that they were trying to give him was not working, so they sent him there to be evaluated. They are sending him to the States. We don't know where yet.
Doesn't matter.. HE'S COMING HOME!!!

He had to leave a lot of his stuff there, not having the time to get it mailed. When the military says.. GO ... you GO! So a friend of his is going to mail it home for him. But of course the Air Force has to inspect it first.

Break for Sox's treat... Bonita Flakes.. it's sold under the alias of Kitty Kaviar, but you can order some Japanese Bonita Flakes for much less.

So, I heard from him and he said maybe Saturday to fly back home.

Things to do today:
put up the other Bamboo Roman shade I got. Dark Mahogany stained, really pretty. I got some sheer stripped georgett like curtains with some gold shimmer stripes, to drape as a valance along with some pretty decorative curtain rods

I got some fabric a month or so ago to recover the cushions on the chairs. A friend is an upholsterer, so he is going to do that as soon as I can get him over here to give me an estimate.

I bought a media storage unit for the bedroom, Mission style to match the television stand that my daughter was going to throw away when I moved her from Savannah to MS.

I'm sick of living without my stuff and like a gypsy.
True I do have a tad of gypsy blood in me, but not enough to enjoy the gypsy life.

What else.??

Just reorgainzing and trying to get most of this crap out of the house.

My folks have gone to Waco to pick up the new dishwasher.

Spring.. yes. I planted some pansies, petunias, dusty miller, and some wild type roses. Also got some ground cover for my shade garden for Gaia.
I'm going to plant some herbs as well,
But probably not a veggie garden.

We have three chicks so far. If there are others out there I can't see them. Buffy won't get off the nest.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Hurray for Kevin's safe return. Do you think he'll have to go back to Iraq some time? Here in England the news organs reported this week that 100 British serviceman had died since Irag was invaded in 2003. I know America has lost far more people than that. I just hope it's all worth it.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Ooops, not Irag - Iraq with a Q - mind you I wouldn't queue to be there.

By George said...

I wouldn't either.

It remains to be seen. Probably the answer is NO. But for the sake of all the lost ones. I hope so. I ask the Universe to make it so. And yes it is way, horribly way, more than that.

And yet. My husband feels as if he has abandonded his comrades.

I don't know if he'll go back or not. Depends on whether they deem him sound enough for military service.
He said he would go back if he could.

Thanks YP for being a friend.

... said...

*hugz* for you and kev, george.. may the powers that be help the two of you through this difficult time.

and as always.. lots of love and light to you both

By George said...

Thanks Indi.. Love you.