Saturday, November 26, 2005

One last post about Savannah

First night we ate at a Japanese restaurant. Sakura(sp?) I had a California Roll only it also had fried shrimp inside. Plus some noodles and veggies. Next day we had Mexican at Juarez, the next day we ate brunch at Clary's, and the night before we left we went to The Casbah!

I saw it the first night we got there because it is right next to the Japanese place. We had more fun than is allowed. I had kebobs and the kids both had lamb fixe differently. Neither had had lamb before and both of them enjoyed it. Although Carrie-Ann found out that spicy means SPICY.
We all had mint tea, although I had mine hot. The bellydancer was awesome. Of course that's her in the pictures.

We-- in between the restaurants ate at Parkers deli and pizza etc.

My daughter the tour guide gave us a walking tour and lots of information about historic Savannah.

Her apartment had an excellent view. It's a shame she had to leave. If I could move, I'd move there.

Her father who said she could live there until she gets a job and finds a place to live. Told her that she could have a room of her own, is backing out of the deal. Won't let her use her stuff in the room. So she is staying at her aunts house mostly who has more than enough problems of her own. My ex will get drunk, and cuss Carrie out and tell her to get her shit out of his house. It will be ugly. I'm just thankful that my son who lives with his dad is more patient than my daughter.
Although I do wish they could all get out from under his roof.

He wasn't like this when we married. I don't really know what happened to him. He got meaner, uglier, more unmoveable than he ever was. He was always somewhat, but it seems like overnight he stepped over an edge.

Him leaving me was the best thing that ever happend to me other than my kids and meeting my present and forever husband. I finished college at the age of 45, struck out on my own, and met Kevin.

I literally won my self back.



Yorkshire Pudding said...

Brave lady.. I visited Savannah three or four years ago and I ate the best lunch ever at Mrs Wilks's Boarding House. Old Mrs Wilks was still alive then. People were lining up in the street. I have sometimes dreamt about that meal - the corncakes, the tablecloth, the iced tea, the southern fried chicken, the beans. Mmmmmm! Have you been there?..... Sounds like your old hubby has become a distant stranger - funny how things can work through like that. Well done for reinventing yourself!

By George said...

No I have not been there. I did see it on the Food Network though. Fried Chicken is prolly my most favoritestes thing in the whole world.