Saturday, October 29, 2005


I don't really feel anybetter today. I am sick, the flu I guess. Still depressed. Angry.
Many reasons.

What does it say up there? Overly sensitive? Yep.

Seems I made quite a hit "over there" where Kevin is with my Snickerdoodles. There have been requests for more of them.
I made some, and some cow patties and some molassas ginger cookies.
Got them all boxed up, but... I put them in two boxes because I want Kevin to keep some for himself or keep them for later, instead of eating them all up at one time.

I got my stuff put up at Craft Mart. Some of my pottery, a purse, all of my jewelry and some of the knitted hats I made.

I hope some of it sells. I need to go down and put a spell on the booth.

I wish I could say something clever or funny or meaningful. But...


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Well with your Kevin out there in possible danger, I don't suppose it's the right time for visiting Rome. Otherwise, I would say, if you have the money then you owe it to yourself to live dreams. I didn't have time for art gallery visits during my little Roman break but I was well aware there was a lot that I was missing. Your last blog entry seemed so sad - I hope you were just on one of those downers we sometimes encounter on the rollercoaster of life. Chin up girl. You live to fight another day.

By George said...

Ah, no I don't think that would be a good idea right now.

Thanks for the support, Yea I was having one of those days. I'm a Pisces so I'm an open walking wound, but most of the time I keep it together...
Thanks again. G