Saturday, October 08, 2005


I love libraries. I used to work in one actually until the woman I worked with lied on me and got me to quit. I was broken hearted.
I have always gone to and loved libriaries since I was in the sixth grade in Okinawa. I checked out a book called "A Wrinkle in Time". That sealed my fate.
The small town where I now reside is getting a library.. Well actually we have one, but it is very small and widely unknown. So I have joined the "Friends of the Library".
We are having an auction next Saturday to raise money. We've made cookies to sell to the hungry auction attendees.
The thing that worries me is that the library is now housed in the Baptist church. The preacher is very involved. I worry about censorship.
Although one of the other members, it seems to me, will be open to more than some of the others.
Why does everything have to be started and ended with a prayer to the Christian god?
Why does everyone assume that we all want to do that. In order to keep the peace I usually either just bow my head and speak to my Goddess. I noticed the other person began to go through her papers while the others were praying. Perhaps....

If more people had balls, including me, perhaps our numbers would be recognized.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Good luck with the library venture. I love libraries too. They equalise people and another important thing - they are environmentally friendly - books get passed round instead of sitting on one owner's shelf. What is it with America and God? The other night on TV I saw a holiday programme referring to some kind of sick religious theme park in Orlando. Why do so many Americans need to embrace the myth of God? It seems that you can't be an American president unless you feign deeply held religious belief. The only place that God belongs in a public library is in the section marked "Religion" right next to "Myths and Legends" and "UFOs".

By George said...

You know I don't know. The country, they say, was founded on freedom of religion. But of course we know there was more to it than that. America's founding father's did not want church and state.
It's expecially horrible here in Texas. I had a dean one time that told me that ( can't find the exact quote) a quote by John Adams, about how America was not a Christian nation any more than it was a Jewish or Muslum nation. ..He told me that I was sending him anti Christian quotes. I told him that it wasn't about anti christian as much as about freedom and pro American.
It disgusts me. They can't imagine someone like me who believes in nature and the the Earth has more control over their lives than a "god"
Christianity is an excuse not to accept responsibility for anything that happens to you. Good or bad.