Friday, September 23, 2005

Frailty thy name is human

Perhaps I take license but this year has given me reason to think more lofty thoughts.
We Americans have become snobs. For lack of a more apt word. After the tsunami the world was shocked and sickened with the loss of life. We were horrified in fact. How could this happen? Why didn't we feel the disruption in the force? (Well in fact we probably did but we modern human animals don't recognize it when it happens.)
So there is this horrible thing that happened in another part of the world where most of the population isn't as sophisticated as we Americans. They are used to hardships. They live in grass huts.(please I know this isn’t true, bear with me) They'lll come back.
Then Katrina blasts our country with Mother Earth's lesson.
We.. we are Americans! As many have said- this is America... this is 2005 how could this happen?

We are NOTHING compared to the power of nature.

We are soft, we’ve come along way from the people who lived in this country for a millennia and from those who came here to make this country their country. We are used to the government telling us when to wipe our butts, how to raise our children, that we have to be politically correct. We're used to air conditioners, computers, electric stoves, television that we felt that if something ever happened here that we would be different than other countries. We think no one should make mistakes-- that everything should always go off without a hitch.

Rita comes, she comes just like Katrina did. Momma is giving us our medicine.
(Now, I am not saying that this is God’s judgment, I don’t believe in God the way most people do. But that’s not the message of this post. I’m getting to that.)

The thing is: We are all equal. We all die the same way. We all have catastrophes and sometimes have to get down in the dirt like everyone else.

We Americans die just as easily as a fisherman in Malaysia, a farmer in Crete, or a seal hunter in Alaska. When Mother decides to show what she has, we are at her mercy. And no matter how modern the country is or how backward-- we are ONLY human. Believe it or not, it really is, when it all boils down to it-- it's survival of the fittest. Because if it isn't we will not survive as a human race. We have medicine that can take people who have physical difficulties and make them part of the fittest. Being fit does not, in my mind, mean the guy who can beat up all the other guys on the street. It means the guy who can out smart the other guy. It means the guy who can think outside the box. We have to learn to think on our own. We have to learn to do for ourselves when it's crunch time.

Blessed Peace


Anonymous said...
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Yorkshire Pudding said...

Thanks for dropping in on my blog and leaving a pleasant message. By the way, I was also born in 1953. I read your reflections on your own country with nodding interest. What you say is oh so true. Years ago when I was at the Isle of Wight festival to see Hendrix, Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen , I asked a hippy guy where he was from and he replied "I'm an earthling" - that always stuck in my mind. We are all earthlings.

@ロウ 。LOW@ said...

Doin' blog search on fisherman-Malaysia and end up here. Going to visit some fishing village soon, guess we are blessed without major strom and hurricane. But pirates are definitely a threat.

I'm sure Texas will recovers later. Cheers!